︎ Reframing

Step-by-Step Process
    • Research and Select a Topic
    • Reframe the Idea
    • Develop a Visual Strategy
    • Presentation and Application

︎Project Brief

Objective: Reframe and rebrand a contemporary American idea, person, institution, or value by developing a new brand identity and strategy that addresses the intangible aspects (ethos, promise, myths, etc.) and the tangible elements (visuals, type, color, etc.). The goal is to refresh, reboot, or reshape the chosen subject in a way that offers a more accurate or progressive representation of its essence.

︎ Role

Brand Strategist 
Visual Designer 
Researcher and Analyst 

︎ Collaborators:

Valmira Shyti

︎ Insights Gained

Branding Beyond Visuals
Design and Storytelling
Collaborative Skills


︎ Final Deliverables

 ︎ Final Brand Applications

︎ Initial Research

︎ ︎ Exploration / Ideation

︎ Systems