John Madea : The Laws of Simplicity
Typography 3 

Introduction: A creative approach to the idea of simplicity in the world of design. Purposeful ideas of keeping design concepts simple but still at the same time interesting to look at. Based upon the laws of simplicity chapter book authored by John Madea. Ideally the context was to take 3 chapters and design them across a 16 page book with no color. This style would then carry over to a more expansive look of the entire book over a spread of a 100 paged book.

Once 100 pages were finished we were now to break that back down into 16 pages using our own images and color to design a final spinoff concept. Graphics as well as images and tables were balanced amongst the first two books keeping to simplest means across spreads to provide the pacing of the book. Clear hierarchy was established to help lead viewers' eyes into and through content creating a visually appealing document structure. Establishing an initial visual design system with 16 pages helped to spark and spur the drive to confidently conquer a 100 page spread.

The initial system followed through the meat of the book. On the final 16 page color book a more freeform approach was taken using the same type aspects. More time was needed to organize the introductions and introductions on each book to ensure smooth transition amongst the book. The biggest hurdle to get over was how to activate the empty space without restricting the aspect of it.

White space when paired with a tough gray cover makes it more interesting given the contrast. To follow the suit of the author the idea of the first two was to keep it simple. Overall satisfied with the final outcome given the timeframe constrictions. To be able to flow information into a documented column and grid system made things flow seamlessly one stylesheets where achieved.

Conclusion : John Madea highlights his 10 laws of simplicity when it comes to things such as design making this piece of literature the perfect canvas for a book design project. Learning and developing these laws as the project went on was an important and pivotal aspect of this book's design taking larger text formats and straining them down with simple design choices.